Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about FaciliBuild HUB.

  • FaciliBuild HUB is a facility centric tool that allows you to create and manage every facility in your portfolio and connect it to every related project, piece of equipment, and teammate involved. FaciliBuild HUB is a web-based platform that's easy to use and makes facilities and construction work much more efficient.

  • FaciliBuild HUB is used by building owners, facility teams, service teams, architects, engineers, and more.

  • You can create your account at any time. Visit our registration page to sign up, choose your plan, and get started.

  • You can either pay for your plan on a monthly or annual basis.

  • Upgrade your existing account at any time by going to the Upgrade Plan section inside the HUB and selecting the option that's best for you.

  • Add your teammates by going to Admin > My Account > Summary and click on the "Add" button next to Employees/Users. After you create their profile, you'll be prompted to invite the user. The user will receive an email to set their password and login to FaciliBuild HUB.

  • You can invite other companies to join the HUB by going to Admin > Team > My Organizations. Click on the Add Organization button, enter their company details, and click on the "Register This Organization & Invite Users" button.

    You can also do this directly from a project. In the project you're working on, go to the Team section, scroll to the bottom to the "Add My Contacts" button, and follow the steps to create and invite a new company.

Don’t see the answer you’re looking for? Contact a member of our team for assistance.